Hacks/Hackers(簡稱H/H) 是由美國西北大學新聞學院教授 Rich Gordon、Storify 創辦人Burt Herman、前紐約時報互動新聞主編 Aron Pilhofer 從2009年開始逐漸發展出的非營利新聞社群,鼓勵記者編輯(Hacks)和程式設計師(Hackers)相互學習、合作,一起想像新聞的未來。
目前全球已有 35 個國家、75 個城市建立 Hacks/Hackers 分支(chapter),其他城市的活動可以看 這裡 、 這裡 以及 這裡 。
繼香港、東京、北京成立 Hacks/Hackers 分支之後,2016年10月由一群關心新聞x科技發展的朋友在台北成立 Hacks/Hackers 在亞洲的第四站。
The roots of Hacks/Hackers were planted in 2009, co-founded by Aron Pilhofer of The New York Times, Rich Gordon from Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, Burt Herman, a former AP foreign correspondent fresh from a Knight journalism fellowship at Stanford University. Hacks/Hackers grew from an initial chapter in the Bay Area in late 2009 to flourishing chapters in New York, Boston, Austin and other cities during 2010. Hacks/Hackers has also gone international, with chapters launching in Latin America, Europe, Australia and Asia.
Hacks/Hackers’ mission is to create a network of journalists (“hacks”) and technologists (“hackers”) who rethink the future of news and information.
Founded in Oct 2016 by a group of friends, who cares about what technology can do for journalism and vice versa. Abide by the Hacks/Hackers Chapter.
Our mission is to spread knowledge, information and ideas. Activities include workshops, talks, hackathons and demo days. If you have any ideas, please email us at hackshackerstaipei[at]gmail.com.
You can find us on:
or subscribe our Google Calendar events.